In order to best respect our stylist’s talent and schedule we will be taking a deposit for any appointment that is 90+ minutes or is a specialized service (i.e. perms, color corrections, extensions etc.).
The minimum deposit amount will be $50.00.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. We are always happy to clarify.
In order to accommodate everyone, their schedules, best respect our stylist’s time please give us notice of a cancellation/reschedule a day prior to your scheduled appointment.
“Same day cancellation”
Our same day cancellation policy is defined as: A failure to give notice of the cancelation/reschedule a
day prior to your appointment. If you cancel your appointment the same day as your appointment there will be a $25.00 no show fee to be paid before you are able to reschedule an appointment.
“15-minute late policy”
Because our stylist’s work on a timed schedule, if you happen to be 15 minutes late for your appointment your stylist may have to reschedule your appointment. At that time we may charge a “same day cancellation” fee. However, we like to think we are flexible and reasonable. If possible we will work within the timeframe if at all possible to make sure your hair needs are met.
Thank you for your time and consideration. All the best!
Updated & Revised: November 23, 2021